Dear members and other caregivers,

Sadly, Gateshead Council / NHS have awarded the new contract to deliver carer support services in Gateshead to the Carers Federation Limited, based in Nottingham. The new contract will start on 1st September 2024. This means that most of the services we provide will be phased out over the next 4 weeks. I know many of you will be as shocked and disappointed to hear this as we are.

Gateshead Carers Association is not closing down but we will have to support unpaid carers in new ways.

I have attached a letter explaining what has happened and what it means for unpaid carers, staff and this organisation. It also gives answers to many of the questions you may have.

Please read the 
letter below which should provide more information on the matter. 

Best wishes

Steve Cowen

Chief Executive Officer

Read our letter

Download our letter

Ending of Gateshead Carer's Contract for the delivery of adult carer services in Gateshead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why has the contract been awarded to another organisation?

The new contract was offered through the open tender process which means any organisation could submit a tender. Carers Federation Limited's submission was scored higher, by Gateshead Council, than all other organisations bidding for the contract.

Who are Carers Federation Limited?

Please visit the Carers Federation Limited website or contact Gateshead Council for more information.

Will I get the same service as I got at Gateshead Carers Association?

We are not in a position to comment on this as we do not know how Carers Federation Limited intends to provide carer services.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.

What will happen to the Carer Wellbeing Fund?

Due to the ending of our existing contract, applications for Carer Wellbeing grants are now closed.

If you have recently submitted an application for a grant, this will be processed in the next two weeks and you will be informed of the outcome of your application.

Carers Federation Limited will launch a new scheme on 1st September 2024. In the new contract is tighter eligibility criteria and a reduction in the amount of money available, meaning fewer people will receive a grant award.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.

What about Carer's Assessments?

If you are in the process of working with a colleague here on your Carer's Assessment, we will complete it with you before 31st August 2024.

From Friday 2nd August, we will no longer be taking any new referrals for a Carer's Assessment. If you want a Carer's Assessment after this date, you should contact Adult Social Care Direct (Tel: 01941 433 7033). Carers Federation Limited will be responsible for carrying out Carer's Assessments from 1st September 2024.

I'm currently receiving support from a Carer Wellbeing Facilitator at GCA, what will happen to that?

If you are receiving general support work (information, advice and guidance) we will continue to work with you until 31st August 2024.

Please note that we are unable to take new referrals to this service from 16th August 2024. This is to enable us to complete our work with people we are supporting prior to the service ending on 31st August.

From 1st September 2024, Carers Federation Limited will be providing caregiver support in Gateshead. We have no information on how they propose to deliver carer support in Gateshead.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.

I am being supported by GCA with a benefits claim, what does this mean for me?

If you are currently receiving benefits support from GCA, we will continue to offer that until 23rd August 2024. We are unable to take any new referrals for benefits support from 31st July 2024.

From 1st September 2024, Carers Federation Limited will be providing benefits advice.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.

If you need benefits advice urgently, please contact Citizens Advice Gateshead (Tel: 0808 2787902).

I've got a short break at Caldew House booked. Can I still go?

Yes, the great news is that Caldew House has nothing at all to do with Gateshead Council. The beautiful and newly refurbished countryside retreat is almost fully booked for the rest of the year. All current bookings will go ahead. Contact us for more information or to make a booking.

Can I still get a short break through GCA from CareFree?

Our Trusted Referrer status with CareFree means unpaid carers referred by GCA do not have to produce 'proof of being an unpaid carer' in order to access a break. Unfortunately, we will be unable to continue this relationship after 16th August 2024.

Individuals can apply directly to CareFree but must produce proof of being an unpaid carer, e.g. Carer's Allowance or a Letter from their GP.

We do not know if Carers Federation will seek trusted referrer status from CareFree.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.

What is happening to the Carer Cafés?

We will continue to offer the popular Carer Cafés at John Haswell House for as long as unpaid carers want us to. Our weekly Online Carer Café sessions will also continue.

Will the GCA interpreting service still be available?

The interpreting service will be available until 16th August 2024.

We have not information on whether or not Carers Federation Limited will operate an interpreting service.

Please contact Carers Federation Limited or Gateshead Council for more information.